Honorary Gifts and Memorial Dedications
You may give a meaningful gift that will be a lasting tribute in honor or in memory of someone.
(Due to ongoing construction, our dedicated tree and bench programs has been paused until 2026.)
You may give a meaningful gift that will be a lasting tribute in honor or in memory of someone.
(Due to ongoing construction, our dedicated tree and bench programs has been paused until 2026.)
(Due to ongoing construction, our dedicated tree and bench programs has been paused until 2026.)
Planting trees in honor of special events and people has a long and rich tradition at Swarthmore College and the Scott Arboretum. The staff of the Arboretum is pleased to work with individuals interested in giving a dedicated tree to continue this tradition. This information may be helpful in your consideration and planning:
(Due to ongoing construction, our dedicated tree and bench programs has been paused until 2026.)
We welcome the opportunity to add benches to the Arboretum through generous contributions. This information may be helpful should you decide to give a contribution for a dedicated bench.
The standard contribution for a bench is $2,000 (as of January 2023); unusual or custom-built benches or particular benches may call for a larger donation.
The Scott Arboretum established the Gertrude Wister Society in 2003 to honor donors who have chosen to support the Arboretum through a planned gift. Gertrude Wister was the assistant director of the Scott Arboretum for thirty years. Her contributions of time and resources to the Scott Arboretum during her life helped nurture the Arboretum to its current beauty. Her 2001 bequest valued at close to a half-a-million dollars significantly contributes to the continued operation of her beloved Arboretum.
As a Gertrude Wister Society member you will enjoy the following benefits:
Providing a bequest to the Scott Arboretum is a meaningful way to ensure that its variety of plants and many specialized programs continue to grow and thrive.
Bequests from Gertude Wister and others who loved the Arboretum have helped form the basis for the Arboretum’s current endowment. Endowment funds supporting horticultural endeavors currently generate about 70 to 90% of our operating budget.
The Arboretum uses planned gifts as you designate. If you specify a bequest be treated as a permanent endowment, the funds will be invested and will grow over time and be protected to serve your intentions.
You may tailor a bequest to fit your individual needs and wishes and may save substantial amounts in estate, gift, income, and capital gains taxes while supporting the Arboretum.
You may make an unrestricted bequest to allow the gift to be applied where the need is greatest. You may also earmark a bequest for a specific cause, such as permanent endowment funds for a specific garden or special project. Funds of $25,000 or greater may be named and managed as separate funds; gifts of less than $25,000 specified as endowment will be added to existing permanently restricted Arboretum endowment funds. If you are considering restricting your gift, we encourage you to discuss your ideas and the language you use before you finalize the gift documents to ensure your aims are realized and we can accept the designations.
For gifts to be permanently restricted, this must be done by the donor at the time the gift is made.
It is important to give your attorney our full name and address, as well as specifying that the gift is to go to the distinct mission of the Arboretum. An example of appropriate language follows:
“I bequeath the sum of $__ (or __% of my residuary estate) to the Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College located at 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081, for its distinct mission as determined by the Director of the Scott Arboretum.”
If you have already made a bequest to the Scott Arboretum or would like additional information, please contact Claire Sawyers, Director of the Scott Arboretum at 610-328-8025 or via e-mail at scott@swarthmore.edu.