Plants of the Week – September 12

Plants of the Week – September 12

Rhamnus frangula [Fine Line (R)]='Ron Williams' (3) JWCRhamnus frangula Fine Line® provides a strong vertical presence in the garden. Highly dissected dark green foliage creates a fern-like appearance. Seen here in a container outside Trotter Hall where it perennially overwinters, R. frangula Fine Line® is a highly adaptable shrub with a multitude of garden uses. Photo credit: J. Coceano

Holboellia fargesii (1) JWCHolboellia fargesii happily scrambles up the arbor in the Terry Shane Teaching Garden. The vine climbs by weaving and winding thus a supportive structure such as an arbor or trellis is a must. The vine, native to China, produces separate male and female flowers amidst palmately compound leaves. Rarely offered in the trade, don’t miss this opportunity to add a unique climber to your garden at the 2011 Plant Sale. Photo credit: J. Coceano

Ceratostigma plumbaginoides (1) JWCA recent section of Magill Walk was underplanted with an assortment of perennials. The plants selected needed to be long-lived, low-maintenance perennials that could withstand the high shade created by the canopy of Quercus bicolor. Ceratostigma plumbaginoides, blue leadwort, was one such plant. Ceratostigma plumbaginoides bears a profusion of true-blue flowers throughout the late summer months. The slow spreader partners well with Heuchera, Epimedium, and Disporopsis as well as with early spring- and fall-blooming bulbs. Photo credit: J. Coceano

Parthenocissus henryana (1) JWCThe silver vein creeper, Parthenocissus henryana, is a more colorful and less aggressive cousin of the native Virginia creeper, Parthenocissus quinquefolia. The 3-5 leaflets sport silver venation and burgundy undersides. A self-clinging vine, P. henryana can scale a multitude of surfaces without causing damage. Outstanding foliage effects last through to autumn as the plant transitions from blue-green to red and purple. Photo credit: J. Coceano

All four plants featured will be offered at the Scott Associates’ Plant Sale.

Josh Coceano
  • Jack
    Posted at 16:21h, 24 June Reply

    Hiya, do you know if Parthenocissus henryana develops its variegation as it matures? I have one but the leaves are currently just green and it looks quite different to the one down the road.

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