Plants of the Week – June 4
Kalmia latifolia is special to Pennsylvania as it is our state flower. This broadleaved evergreen shrub is frequently found growing in our woodland providing a brilliant display of color by mid-June. For the most part, Kalmia species have an upright habit and as the bell-shaped flowers open they provide a pleasing contrast to the still-closed buds. Because Kalmia latifolia grows so well in the Delaware Valley with its impressive summer display, many cultivars have been bred. Kalmia latifolia highlighted above is in full bloom, bordering Cedar Lane near the entrance to the Arboretum. Photo credit: J. Ahrweiler
Many Deutzia shrubs are overlooked. But Deutzia x hybrida ‘Magicien’, seen here growing along a pathway to the Arboretum offices, has earned its place as a 2003 Gold Medal Plant. Its most impressive display is when it blooms in May through June with fuchsia flowers edged in white. It performs well as a border plant or on slopes and banks and would be a good fit for a cottage style garden. Photo credit: J. Ahrweiler
Aesculus pavia, commonly known as red buckeye, is currently showing its spring bloom of red tubular flowers in the Pollinator Garden. Aesculus pavia does its part for the Pollinator Garden as its long tubular flowers attract ruby-throated hummingbirds. At this time of year, the tree is at its best in full bloom and displaying shiny green leaves. Other than attracting hummingbirds, Aesculus can be used effectively as a hedge or screen. Photo credit: J. Ahrweiler
Clematis ‘Alionushka’ is an herbaceous perennial, non-vining variety of clematis with a unique nodding bell-shaped flower. This is an ideal plant for a perennial border, and can bloom continuously if dead-headed. We have this Clematis growing in both the Scott Entrance Garden and the Harry Wood Courtyard Garden and it continues to provide color once other spring bloomers have dropped their flowers. Photo credit: J. Ahrweiler
Jody Downer
Posted at 11:04h, 07 JuneVery nice, Jess! Look forward to seeing more of your plant posts!