Plants of the Week: June 6
Guest Author: Summer Intern Johanny Bonilla

Cornus kousa (Kousa dogwood) is a flowering and ornamental tree with origins in Japan, Korea, and China. This deciduous tree grows up to 15 to 25 feet, preferring full sun or partial shade. Kousa, which means dogwood in Japanese, is known for attracting songbirds with its unique white flowers that bloom throughout May and June. Cornus kousa is ideal for home landscapes because it is pest resistant, and an excellent choice to plant near buildings, walls, and utility lines. Come see our blooming Cornus kousa ‘Greensleeves’ in the Terry Shane Teaching Garden. This selection was chosen for its heavy fruit set, a favorite of wildlife. Photo credit: J. Bonilla

Rosa ‘Kortutu’, Archbishop Desmond Tutu rose, is a variety of shrub rose with disease-resistant foliage that grows up to 4 feet tall. Named after anti-apartheid activist Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the rose bears striking large red blooms throughout the summer, similar to the color of the alb from its namesake. Due to its compact structure, the shrub is perfect for growing as a herbaceous border or hedge. Stop by the Dean Bond Rose Garden to experience the distinctive bloom of the Archbishop Desmond Tutu rose. Photo credit: J. Bonilla

Allium ‘Ambassador’ is an ornamental onion known as the tallest and most architectural onion, reaching heights of up to 4 feet. This allium variety displays perfectly round, 6” spheres of vivid purple florets, and has one of the longest blooming seasons, from late spring to early summer. ‘Ambassador’ is drought-tolerant, preferring rich, well-drained soils and full sun. The genus Allium, which means garlic in Latin, showcases a colorful variety of forms that accentuate the summer garden. For dramatic impact, plant bulbs in groups within beds, borders, and cottage gardens. Experience the striking display in the roundabout on Chester Road (Rt. 320). Photo credit: J. Bonilla
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