Plants of the Week: June 10

Plants of the Week: June 10

Guest Author: Annarose Klinger, 2024 Summer Intern

Rosa (Hybrid Rugosa Group) ‘Hunter’

As I was hunting for the most gorgeous blooms of the week, I came across the serendipitously named Rosa ‘Hunter’ at the entrance to the Dean Bond Rose Garden. This hardy shrub rose caught my attention for its true crimson blooms that stand out boldly against the blue summer sky. This rose’s textured, glossy, pinnately compound leaves only further highlight the striking red color of its flowers.

Content in full sun or part shade, Rosa ‘Hunter’ is a hardy addition to any garden and tolerates many soil conditions, including less than ideal soils. This plant is hardy from USDA zones 2-9, making a great choice in a climate with inconsistent weather. These blooms will last from early summer until fall.While this rose is beautiful enough to be the main attraction of any garden, its compact shrub habit makes it a great choice for garden borders. Growing around 3-4 feet tall and wide, this rose can add privacy without creating a heavy or fortress-like feel to a space. Extra points for it is a great plant for cut flowers, allowing indoor enjoyment as well. Photo credit: A. Klinger

Monarda ‘Gardenview Scarlet’

Located on the north side of the lower Biostream, just off the path, the beautiful Monarda ‘Gardenview Scarlet’ is stealing the show with its interesting chandelier-like flowers. Commonly known as bee balm, this upright, herbaceous perennial is a great choice for pollinator gardens. This member of Lamiaceae family will attract all the pollinators, while staving off pesky deer and other herbivores who may come to feast on your garden.

Monarda ‘Gardenview Scarlet’ thrives in full sun and moist, well drained soil. It can spread quickly and needs to be divided every few years to maintain control. Deadheading spent flowers will encourage new ones. At the end of every season, Monarda ‘Gardenview Scarlet’ can be cut back to the ground. Did I mention it smells pretty nice too? Photo credit: A. Klinger

Clematis ‘Dutch Sky’

In the John W. Nason Garden along the north side of the walk, you’ll see beautiful pops of light purple blooms crawling along the ground. This is the beautiful Clematis ‘Dutch Sky’. This cultivar offers light purple to bluish tinged flowers. The color of these blooms reminds me of fresh air and adds a beautiful light feeling to the garden.

This Clematis ‘Dutch Sky’ blooms from May to July and produces many flowers during its bloom time. Maintenance isn’t too tough with pruning recommended in early spring and some watering in especially hot and dry climates. This one can climb up to 6 feet high! If you’re in the market for some refreshing pale flowers in the garden, this Clematis ‘Dutch Sky’ might be for you.

Becky Robert
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