Photography Guidelines
Taking photos of flowers, trees, and bees does not require a photo permit, as long as our photography guidelines are followed.
- Picture taking is not to interfere with any person’s enjoyment of or access to the Arboretum features.
- Please respect the Arboretum. This includes, but is not limited to: no climbing or sitting in trees; no walking or standing in flower beds or other off-limit areas of the Arboretum; no tampering with any living thing in the Arboretum.
- No moving or re-arranging Arboretum structures or furnishings, including: benches, sprinklers, and flower containers.
- No changing outfits or undressing anywhere in the Arboretum, even if you think the tree is big enough to hide you.
- It is okay to use a tripod unless the tripod is blocking designated walkways or in any way preventing other guests from moving around freely.

Photography Permit Information
To request permission for photography/filming shoots, contact the following departments:
- Communications Office for commercial photography
- Events Management Office for wedding and non-commercial photography. Fees may apply.
Definition of Photo Shoot
A photo shoot is an activity that includes any of the following, but is not limited to:
- Group, engagement, prom, birthday, head shot, fashion, maternity or couples/family portrait photography.
- Photography that involves the use of equipment (including booms, lights, and reflectors)
- Photography that involves a dedicated photographer