Clematis 'Rooguchi'
Clematis ‘Rooguchi’ is an exciting new clematis selection. It blooms all summer long with pendant, bell-shaped, deep purple flowers which entirely cover of the vine. At maturity, it only reaches six feet tall, so it is a perfect subject for growing in a container or growing up through another plant.
At the Science Center, it uses a cascading, cut-leaf Japanese maple as a living trellis by clambering up and through the branches. At home, I have one that climbs up and over a shrub rose. ‘Rooguchi’ is a hybrid between C. integrifolia and C. reticulata. This hybrid will climb like the typical Clematis, but it also has a propensity to clambering in and amongst other plants. ‘Rooguchi’ is completely resistant to clematis wilt.

Clematis 'Rooguchi' climbing through Japanese maple. photo credit: Scott Arboretum archives
At the 2009 Scott Associates’ Plant Sale, we will be offering a myriad of clematis selections including ‘Alionushka’, ‘Arabella’, ‘Betty Corning’, ‘Blue Dancer’, ‘Mayleen’, ‘Purpurea Plena Elegans’ and ‘Rooguchi’. To learn more about these clematis and other great plants offered at the 2009 Plant Sale attend the “A Peek at the 2009 Plant Sale” lecture on Thursday, August 20 at 7:30 pm.
Eve Thyrum
Posted at 11:21h, 19 AugustAndrew is so right — it blooms heavily and consistently throughout the entire summer until finally hit by a hard frost. The blooms are shiny and waxy and of very heavy substance, and each one seemingly lasting for weeks. My most favorite clematis — and it should be everyone else’s!
Gary Keim
Posted at 12:42h, 19 AugustIts a real show-stopper! In one of my gardens, it produces over 50 shoots a season at the base, which is fine if you are growing it on a fence or trellis. If growing it over a smaller statured plant, I’d recommend thinning the number of shoots in the spring when they emerge. If you haven’t grown it, give it a try!