Canna glauca ‘Panache’

Canna glauca ‘Panache’


What would give someone the idea to label a plant with the cultivar epithet “panache?” Could a plant really be so full of brio to deserve such a title? Well, yes. This cultivar of Canna glauca stands above the rest (figuratively speaking, as it is of average height for a Canna), with true panache that comes from a depth of detail and subtle complexities, making other cannas look bland and simplified.

Canna glauca ‘Panache’ has hearty bluish-green (“glaucous” hence the species name), banana-like leaves that stand about five feet tall and emerge from stout, laterally growing, underground, root-like stems. Throughout the growing season, it is topped perpetually with sprays of its flowers. The delicate flowers have peach petals fading to red toward the centers and held in profusion by burgundy stems and calyces.

We are close to the cusp of perennialized Canna here in Swarthmore; they are hardy to Zone 7b. Therefore, it is recommended that the rhizomes are dug and stored in a cool dry place for the winter to maximize survival and prolong usage. Originally a new world plant, the genus Canna has been distributed around the world for horticultural uses as a strong, reliable perennial plant where conditions permit.

 Because of its height, it works well toward the middle/rear of a bed as a strong pop of color behind a foreground planting that can handle full sun conditions. This plant is an exuberant bloomer that produces consistent, strong, colorful blooms throughout the season. This Canna and many other great plants will be available at the 2019 Scott Arboretum Selections Spring Sale on Saturday, May 11!

John Bickel
  • Kevin Piol
    Posted at 21:24h, 25 July Reply

    We have that plant in our backyard and it is already blooming
    Thanks for sharing your informative article.

    Kevin Piol

    • Becky Robert
      Posted at 09:12h, 30 July Reply

      Cannas love the heat and humidity of our summers. I hope you are enjoying the blooms.

      Becky Robert
      Scott Arboretum

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