Virtual Lunchtime Tour: Beating the Heat

 Take your lunch break virtually and see plants who love the heat and those that provide relief from it with Gardener Kaitlyn Lawrence. Join us on this virtual tour on our YouTube page. About the Presenter Kaitlyn Lawrence, Gardener, joined the staff in 2022. Prior...


Arboretum Highlights Tour: Succeeding in Summer

Scott Arboretum Offices 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA

 Stroll through the Arboretum with Gardener Andrew DeGothseir and learn about the plants that succeed despite all the challenges of summer. Arboretum Highlights Tours feature plants and landscapes that are at their peak at that time. Gardeners and plant enthusiasts of all levels are welcome....



Nature Nook Fall Series 1

Wister Center - Gillespie Room 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA

Calling all little nature explorers! Join Celeste Sullivan and Rachel Warren at the Scott Arboretum for mornings full of singing, stories, crafts and dancing. Each session is seasonally themed around nature and the garden. This program is designed for ages 18 months to 3 years...


Hive to Honey Jar Adult Workshop

Wister Center - Gillespie Room 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA

Time to reap the fruits of our labor with this hands-on honey extraction workshop. Our beekeeper will assist you over the course of this fun-filled hour as you uncap honeycomb cells, hand-spin honeycombs in the centrifugal extractor, and filter the raw honey before jarring and...


Hive to Honey Jar Family Workshop

Wister Center - Gillespie Room 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA

Time to reap the fruits of our labor with this very hands-on honey extraction workshop. Our beekeeper will assist you over the course of this fun-filled hour as you uncap honeycomb cells, hand-spin honeycombs in the centrifugal extractor, and filter the raw honey before jarring...


Nature Nook Fall Series 1

Wister Center - Gillespie Room 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA

Calling all little nature explorers! Join Celeste Sullivan and Rachel Warren at the Scott Arboretum for mornings full of singing, stories, crafts and dancing. Each session is seasonally themed around nature and the garden. This program is designed for ages 18 months to 3 years...


Drive on Your Own: David Culp Garden Designs

Drive on Your Own

RAIN DATE: Please also reserve Wednesday, September 27 from 10 am to 12:30 pm on your calendar. Refunds will not be given if you can’t make the rain date. Visit two gardens designed by David Culp on this special garden tour. We will begin at...


Nature Nook Fall Series 1

Wister Center - Gillespie Room 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA

Calling all little nature explorers! Join Celeste Sullivan and Rachel Warren at the Scott Arboretum for mornings full of singing, stories, crafts and dancing. Each session is seasonally themed around nature and the garden. This program is designed for ages 18 months to 3 years...