Travels at Twelve: Chuck Hinkle & Mary Tipping: Conehead Convention

Virtual Webinar

Mary Tipping and Chuck Hinkle will share stories and images from the 2019 National Meeting of the American Conifer Society, which was held at the Oregon Garden. Learn about the great nurseries, private gardens, and unique geography of Oregon. Travels at Twelve is an informal...

Travels at Twelve: Elizabeth Ladwig & Amos Frye: A Year in the Sierras

Virtual Webinar

Last year, Elizabeth Ladwig, former Scott Arboretum Education Intern and Amos Frye, former Crum Woods Stewardship and Engagement fellow, worked at outdoor schools in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. Join them on their adventures through the “Range of Light,” filled with beautiful wildflowers, stunning...

Travels at Twelve: Bob Goren: Travels in the Cape Floral Kingdom

Virtual Webinar

Bob and Jan Goren traveled with Susan Worner through the Western Cape of South Africa in November 2019 – ages ago! They not only visited lovely gardens, but also experienced the rich and wide variety of flora (and some fauna) in more natural and “wild”...
