
Peony Palooza!

Wister Center - Gillespie Room 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA

Presented in partnership with the Mid-Atlantic Peony Society From big and blousy to delicate and dazzling, explore and appreciate the variety peonies add to spring! Bring the whole family to be inspired by the unique floral show. Children of all ages can create their own...


Autumn Equinox Celebration

Scott Outdoor Amphitheater 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA

This program is part of the Delco ARTS Week celebration.  Bring the family to celebrate the first day of fall at the Scott Arboretum! Enjoy live music and a picnic, make a nature-based craft, play games with family and friends, and learn from plant experts....


Scott Associates’ Garden Day

Drive on Your Own

See glorious gardens created and maintained by gardeners like you at the Scott Associates’ Garden Day. Stroll through gardens in Wayne to become inspired, learn about plant combinations, and get gardening tips. This is a great opportunity to see firsthand how gardens grow in the...
