Nature’s Narratives: Mill Town: Reckoning with What Remains

Virtual Meeting

Nature’s Narratives is the Scott Arboretum’s monthly book discussion group. Join fellow garden enthusiasts and book lovers to discuss books about plants, nature, and the environment. Kerri Arsenault grew up in rural Maine, with her family's work tied to a paper mill. As an adult,...


Nature’s Narratives: Wildwood: A Journey Through Trees

Virtual Meeting

Nature’s Narratives is the Scott Arboretum’s monthly book discussion group. Join fellow garden enthusiasts and book lovers to discuss books about plants, nature, and the environment. Roger Deakin, who died in 2006, was one of England's most significant nature writers and this is his final...


Nature’s Narratives: Diary of a Young Naturalist

Virtual Meeting

Nature’s Narratives is the Scott Arboretum’s monthly book discussion group. Join fellow garden enthusiasts and book lovers to discuss books about plants, nature, and the environment. Dara McAnulty is an autistic teenager who shows us the natural world from her unique perspective. Participants are encouraged...