Artful Gardens Part II: Scott Outdoor Amphitheater

Artful Gardens Part II: Scott Outdoor Amphitheater

Gardeners setting up chairs for the commencement ceremony in the Scott Outdoor Amphitheater. photo credit: D. MattisAs we near the end of May, Swarthmore College is diligently preparing for its most sacred ceremony, commencement. This celebration is held in our masterpiece of artful gardens, the Scott Outdoor Amphitheater. Watch the latest addition in our Artful Garden series and learn how integral this majestic space is in sending our graduates into the world.

first collection E. Kostans

First-year students of Swarthmore College gather in the Scott Outdoor Amphitheater for first collection. photo credit: E. Kostans

The Scott Outdoor Amphitheater is also where each class holds its first collection. Thus, this unique space provides continuity with both students’ first and last ceremonial occasions (credit bonthrone).

Read more about other commencement traditions at the Scott Arboretum here. Don’t forget to check out all our Artful Garden videos.

Becky Robert
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