Plants of the Week: April 18

Plants of the Week: April 18

Magnolia 'Butterflies' 1 JWC blog

Magnolia ‘Butterflies’ bears abundant 4-5-inch double yellow flowers.  The pyramidal tree will eventually attain of height of 25-35’.  ‘Butterflies’, along with many other yellow magnolias, is in full bloom throughout the Scott Arboretum.

Erythronium revolutum under beech JWC blog

Erythronium revolutum is a North American spring ephemeral.  This woodland plant, grown under the shade of a towering beech, enjoys a moisture-retentive, fertile soil.  Hardy to zone 3; several color specific-cultivars are available.

R. pseudochrysanthum JWC blog

Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum is in full bloom in the Terry Shane Teaching Garden.  Native to Taiwan, the inflorescences start as bright pink buds and open white with a flush of pale pink.  This uncommon species deserves more attention in American gardens provided one can give adequate drainage and summer moisture.

Arisaema sikokianum (1) JWC blog

Arisaema sikokianum produces dark pitchers.  The pitcher, or spathe, opens to reveal a pure white spadix which provides dramatic contrast.  A young clump can be seen in the Terry Shane Teaching Garden where it enjoys partial shade before going dormant in late summer.

Josh Coceano
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