Plants of the Week: July 10

Plants of the Week: July 10

Guest Author: Devin Dawson, 2023 Summer Intern

Lilium ‘Scheherazade’ – orienpet lily 

Lilium ‘Scheherazade’ is one of our most eye-catching flowers is in bloom now.. Achieving heights of 4-6 feet, these ‘Scheherazade’ lilies in the Terry Shane Teaching Garden demand to be seen by displaying showy hot pink flowers that shift to white on the petals’ borders. In addition to their flamboyant blooms, lilies radiate a delightful aroma – ensuring that their presence does not go unnoticed!

These low maintenance perennials are pretty easy to grow. They have average water needs, they love well-drained soils, and thrive in full sun to partial shade. They are loved by gardeners and insects alike: lilies’ intense pollen located on their anthers attract pollinators. Photo credit: D. Dawson

Eutrochium maculatum ‘Gateway’ – Joe-Pye weed

With the heaps of rainfall in recent weeks, the Biostream serves as a tool for handling the stormwater runoff. A showy mauve wildflower included in our lower Biostream is Eutrochium maculatum, or Joe-Pye weed, cultivar ‘Gateway’.

This low-maintenance herbaceous perennial belongs to the Asteraceae family and is native to damp meadows and coastal areas of eastern North America. Its small purple flowers that take on the form compound inflorescences are just beginning to bloom now and will last until September. Erect to about four to seven feet tall, Joe-Pye weed’s stand-out feature is its deep purple stem clad with serrated medium green leaves. Being a rain garden bloom, Eutrochium maculatum requires wet fertile soil texture and lots of water. Photo credit: D. Dawson

Hydrangea aspera ‘Macrophylla’ – large-leaved scabrous hydrangea

As an ode to Scott Arboretum’s lovely and extensive Hydrangea Collection, this week’s series of plants features Hydrangea aspera belonging to the cultivar ‘Macrophylla’. Located in the Terry Shane Teaching Garden, this blooming shrub acts as a physical extension of this campus’ fondness for hydrangeas.

This variety of hydrangea is easy to maintain, as it is tough, tolerant, and relatively fast growing. It enjoys partial shade and moist, reasonably fertile soil but isn’t finicky about pH. This hardy deciduous shrub spreads to about 6’ x 6’  in height and width. Hydrangea blooms are long-lasting, and those of ‘Macrophylla’ are lavender surrounded by white lacecap flowers. Its yellowish-green foliage is fuzzy on both its top and bottom sides. Photo credit: D. Dawson

Becky Robert
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